Any woman who has ever been pregnant, feels that by some sort of cosmic coincidence pregnant women are everywhere she goes and looks. At the store, on television shows, walking down the street, coworkers, etc.
Now it seems that everywhere I look there are references to extra marital affairs. For the last couple of weeks Dr. Phil has had at least three different shows where affairs were the topic. One of the suggested recordings that my DVR selected for me is "The Good Wife". (Great show and helpful to watch, by the way.) It seems like every other magazine at the grocery store has a story about "Why Men Cheat", "How to Keep your Man from Cheating", etc. Were these things always there but because I wasn't going through "this" I didn't notice.
Of course I watch or read everything that I come in contact with, hoping for answers. "Should I stay?" "Should I go?" "What did I do wrong?" "Could I have stopped this?" "How do I detach and stop the pain?" "What signs did I miss?" "How do I go on and stay married?" "How do I trust him again?" "Should I trust him again?" "How will I know if I can trust him?" "Can I trust him enough to go on living with him?" "Why do I still love him?" "How can somebody who is supposed to love you take such hurtful actions?" "Did he ever really love me?" "What would be the best situation for my children?" "Can I live with whatever situation is best for my children?" "Why am I even thinking about trying to work this out?" "If this wasn't because of me then why am I involved and hurt?" "If this is about him then how do I know when he has it together and isn't faking it, like he did when he was seeing his whore?" The questions go on and on.
It has become an exhausting obsession. I really just want to figure out what I should do. I don't want to feel anything - the emotions that I feel only seem to make things more confusing. I wish that I could come up with a plan, go to sleep and wake up where I should be. There are times in each day that I can go about my tasks like nothing is going on at all, just swimming along. Dropping kids off at school. Making calls at work. Answering emails. Joking with friends. But it all falls apart when I am quiet. Usually on the drive home or at night when I am by myself. Then it overtakes everything. It is an emotional tsunami. I try to keep it together. Cry quietly. Watch television. Write really mean emails that I will never send because no good could ever come from them. Fantasize about confronting Sparerica and crushing her little heart. Sometimes I take a sleep aide, just so I can sleep through it and wake up to a new day.